Putting Others Before Myself


How To Be Nice: Putting Others Before Myself
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. – Ephesians 5:21

Coach would tell us that on the basketball court five players should be working together as one. The game has changed so much that we now mostly watch one player in isolation as the other four are standing around the perimeter looking for a kick-out pass.

The game has changed and it looks like society (and the church) is catching some of these bad traits as well.

If we learn to put others before ourselves we will likely be more PATIENT. Patience will help us show kindness and hopefully avoid so much of the rudeness we find on display.

If we learn to put others before ourselves we will likely be more GENEROUS. Generosity is seen in how we give of our time, talents and money. It’s an investment in others. In case you didn’t know, it’s also a way to be super-nice!

And if we learn to put others before ourselves we will likely be more PRODUCTIVE. When team members focus on the task at hand and place aside personal desires to be recognized, individuals are free to focus on what is best for the team.

Today, let’s all work on putting others above self and maybe, just maybe, we will be a bit more patient, generous and even productive with our day.

Coach’s Challenge: Put Others Before Myself.